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Canned Air From Dresden, Germany

Canned Air From Dresden, Germany

Regular price £10.47 GBP
Regular price Sale price £10.47 GBP
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Grab a piece of Dresden fun and bring it home with you! Our unique Canned Air from Dresden souvenir is the perfect middle-sized can to take back amazing memories. This 88mm tall and 86 mm in diameter empty jar, printed with witty texts, will surely make your friends laugh. The air formula inside contains 10% Brühlsche Terrasse, 20% Semperoper, 30 % Frauenkirche plus hints of Pfund Molkerei - guaranteeing strong stollen scents and unforgettable experiences right at your doorstep... get yours today or risk missing out on all that magical 'Dresden' nostalgia!

The Air Formula is:

10% Brühlsche Terrasse
10% Fürstenzug
20% Semperoper
30% The Dresden Frauenkirche
10% Grünes Gewölbe
10% Albertinum Museum
10% Zwinger Palace

*May contain a strong stollen smell inside.
*may contain traces of Pfund Molkerei and Militarhistorisches Museum.

Don't just take our word for it; get a breath of fresh air from Dresden and experience the relief yourself! Our 100% bio product is made with care by mastering hands.

Buy canned nostalgia today to fight homesickness or brighten up your day - all descriptions are in English so you can start roaming around this beautiful city without ever leaving home! So don't miss out on an unforgettable journey.

Forget the tchotchkes! If you're looking for a truly unique gift that will have your friends and family oohing and ahhing in delight, look no further than Canned Air from Dresden. Not only does it make an intriguing conversation starter, but this delightful decorative art project is also sure to stand out from any other present under the tree.

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